Let us not mince words, the delightful
parergon (or can we consider it as a
paralipomenon of the
Piano Quartet which directly follows?)
Chatting is one of the queeniest pieces ever conceived. Its first performance was offered by two very cozy fellows (and wonderful ‘cellists) in bathrobes in front of a late-night audience.
The music really chats — gossipy, bitchy interventions, misunderstandings, off-hand remarks, tasteless inside jokes, one-up-manship, and so on. Here, the "and so on", along with other impertinences, becomes the kernel of the argument. An argument, in fact, literally occurs in
Chatting — followed by a lovely little gesture of "lets make up" at the end. The ‘cello writing is made for drama queens with a solid technique.
Duration: 4 minutes.