Robert Helps, Orchestral tour

The Orchestral Music of Robert Helps

Piano Concerto no. 2 (1973) [for piano and orchestra]

This single movement develops from innocuous “concertante” piano textures to a lavish solo cadenza framed around an obstinately re-occurring chord.
The whole thing heats up, flames out, dies away in just 14 minutes. Extremely virtuoso writing for piano is showcased here. Helps was particularly fond of this work.

Piano Concerto no. 2 was written for and premiered by pianist Richard Goode

That fabulous chord in the cadenza of Piano Concerto no. 2
Listen to Piano Concerto no. 2
(R. Goode, Oakland S.O, live performance)

View the manuscript score scanned by
Digital Commons @ University of South Florida

Sound clip - Piano Concerto no. 2